- Mutual Understanding – Helps each party deal with one another as a former partner facing a shared set of problems, rather than as an enemies facing combat.
- Minimize Conflict — Teaches each party to work together and reach their own decisions about children, finances, and future lives.
- Conscious Conversations — Discussions focus on helping each party focus detailed solutions that make sense to your lives rather than on a discussion of ‘rights’ and the ‘law’
- Emotional Wellness – Learn strategies to manage the emotional stress inherent with the divorce.
- Financial Wellness – Develop a clear understanding of your financial needs and how to manage finances moving forward.
- Efficiency of Time & Cost — Reach a resolution a fraction of the financial and emotional cost of going to court.
- Focus on Future – Keeps discussions focused on plans for the future, rather than staying stuck rehashing the past.
- Compassionate Parenting — Develops a parenting plan to help each parent work through the practical details of how each will maintain and develop relationships with their children while living in separate households.
- Teamwork — The mediator plays the role of a counselor and coach, not a participant, allowing parties to regain control over their lives, the process, and the outcome.